Ingenious or Crazy? Adjusting Your Bounce Rate

Marketers are increasingly “adjusting” their Bounce Rate in Google Analytics in an attempt to better reflect engagement on a page. It’s hip to do, but is it wise? See why I’m not sold on this.

The Evolution of Mobile Ecommerce Conversion Optimization

Responsive Design alone is not enough to improve mobile conversion rates. Now, wise marketers follow an evolution to increase mobile conversions. Here are the three stages of Mobile Ecommerce Conversion Optimization.

The Ultimate Guide To Designing Your Cart Recovery Email

The right way and the wrong way, with examples for 7 different components of your cart abandonment email that will help you recapture more of those lost orders.

How To Speed Up Your Site by Reducing Download Size of Your Largest Images Without Sacrificing Quality!

Shrink the file size of your images by over half and end up with as high a quality picture on your page? It can be done, and I’ll show you how!

How To Make Your Customer Testimonials Effective & Credible to Boost Sales & Conversions

Do your customer testimonials look like they did back in 2002? Those won’t convince many people to convert! Learn how to make your testimonials credible, noticeable, and effective to build more trust for your website.

How You Benchmark And Why That’s Wrong

Almost everyone looks at their metrics & compares to industry benchmarks. But here’s why that’s a waste of time.

Home Page Carousels: Good or Bad? The Ultimate Guide to Existing Studies With Real Data

Are or carousels, or image sliders, harmful or helpful to your website? A round up of available research on the question can help you determine the answer.

Form Wisdom: 6 Techniques Making Your Forms Easier To Fill Out For Mobile Users

With more and more of your visitors coming on mobile devices, make your forms as easy to complete as possible on phones to gain more conversions.

Can All Your Recipients Really View Your Responsive Email Easily?

Responsive Design is still all the rage in web design circles, and that extends into email. But not all email clients can process Responsive messages. What are some alternatives that will work for all mobile users?